domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

English Corner

Carnival in Infants

It was great fun this year! Every class represented a different country. As we walk along the corridors, we can see African huts, a Scottish castle, a Chinese house, the Tower of Pisa, the Taj Mahal and many other homes and buildings from around the world. The children learnt about their own country through traditional songs and stories. Through arts and crafts by drawing pictures and landscapes, making jewerly and pottery, kites and lanterns and many other objects typical of their countries. Organizations and parents also visited us to show us traditional music, instruments, cuisine and clothing However, we also learnt about other cultures by visiting the other classrooms to see their work and the displays throughout the school. But best of all was the parade! The colours were stunning, and the families were all there to cheer on the children and enjoy the final result of so much work by parents, teachers and of course the boys and girls.

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