jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


The last two weeks the four year olds are working about the forest. We are learning about the four seasons and the changes they
produce in the forest.

In Autumn leaves fall down, birds migrate and the main colors in the forest are yellow, orange, brown and red. In Winter some animals hibernate as bears, bats or snakes.

When the weather gets warm Spring arrives, the flowers start growing, and the forest is much more colorful. Finally the weather gets really hot and Summer comes, we are paying a lot of attention to fire detection and how we can help to prevent the fires in the forest. You will see a summary of all the work we have done during the Cultural Week. Hope you like it!

Colaboración alumnos 4 años D y su profesora Alba Piñel.

1 comentario:

  1. Muchas gracias Alba por tu colaboración, por el "traspaso" de ingles que día a día haces a nuestros niños y por acercarnos de esta manera un poquito a nuestras casas tu labor educativa con ellos. Es increible como van avanzando. ¡Esperamos verte en el próximo número!
